Gustav Mahler  (1860 - 1914)

Gustav Mahler  (1860 - 1914)  (Wiki article)

     A List of Mahler's Compositions

            Although Mahler wrote and pieces of  chamber music before the age of 20, his output
      after that consisted only of lieder (art songs) for voice and piano, lieder for voice and 
      orchestra, and nine symphonies.  

            What is called Mahler's 'early period' ranges from 1876 - 1887 (ages 16 - 27).  Then the 
       great music starts coming...


      Talk Classical Reader's Poll:

  2. Mahler - Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection"
  5. Mahler - Symphony No. 5
17. Mahler - Symphony No. 6 "Tragic"
18. Mahler - Symphony No. 9
20. Mahler - Symphony No. 4
33. Mahler - Symphony No. 1 "Titan"
51. Mahler - Symphony No. 8
81. Mahler - Symphony No. 3
92. Mahler - Symphony No. 7

9,2,3,5,8,6,4,1 (No 7 didn't make it)

        Wunderhorn Period: 

              1888–96:      Symphony No. 1 in D   (Titan)

              1888–94:      Symphony No. 2   Resurrection

              1894–96:      Symphony No. 3

              1899–1901:  Symphony No. 4

         Middle period:

              1901–02:      Symphony No. 5

              1903–04:      Symphony No. 6 in A minor   Tragische (Tragic)

              1904–05:      Symphony No. 7

              1906–07:      Symphony No. 8 in E-flat   (Symphony of a Thousand)

          Late works:

              1909–10:      Symphony No. 9

              1910:            Symphony No. 10 in F sharp (unfinished; continuous draft score)

    Some Lieder and Lieder Cycles:

        Wunderhorn Period: 

            1892–1901:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn  (The Boy's Magic Horn)  (12 songs for 
                                                                            voice and piano & voice and orchestra)

         Middle period:

             1901–04:  Rückert-Lieder  (Songs after Ruckert)  (5 songs of voice and piano or orchestra) 

             1901–04:  Kindertotenlieder  (Songs on the Death of Children)  (5 songs for voice and orchestra)

          Late works:

              1908–09:  Das Lied von der Erde  (Song of the Earth - for 2 voices and orchestra)

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